Experimental Set-up | Sweatshop
Tonto: Drilling in World II
21.07. - 31.07.2015 Forum Stadtpark
With: Dimitra Charamanda, Frédéric Guille, Vera Hagemann, Simon Häußle, Igor Hofbauer, Max Höfler, Michael Jordan, Helmut Kaplan, Klaus Messner, Kai Pfeiffer, Léo Quievreux, Bernhard Raschl, Edda Strobl
Drilling in World II is a cooperation of Tonto, zweite liga von kunst und kultur and Forum Stadtpark.
Graphic artists, performers and writers develop a Tonto book.
"10 days, 10 nights, 13 artists", tons of paper, pencils, pens and crayons. With them it goes into the depths of the world and the world is in for it. So there is 1 sweatshop and 1 book will come out at the end of it. And 1 Friday when all the picture trials and boiled down picture worlds may be seen before they are printed," as Max Höfler described the enterprise in the newsletter.
So, this is the experimental set-up: We start, so to speak, in blank (we don't bring along drawings, texts or other materials), we know that everything will be created right on the spot. The question is: will be have a ready-to-print file for the book at the end of the ten days?
At the end, 911 sheets hang in the chronological order of their creation on the wall. And on 5 panels there are narrative sequences taken from them. ( Storylines around devised characters, for instance.)
The basic set-up: a long table, on it the first paper loop to be drawn on (see also Ribbon Band Drawing ). Along the walls cords are stretched to hang up the drawings. The loop consists of single sheets with 29,7 x 10 cm which can be pasted together to any desired length. Start of drawing, warming up. The loop is moved every 3 minutes to the left by one place. The first loop cut to a ribbon hangs.  After the second loop, there is the decision to cut the loop from the outset into segments. Each artist gets two single sheets, one of these sheets is passed on. The changeover every 3 minutes proves successful.  In a total of two days (and evenings) drawings are produced by this method. Occassionally themes are generated from the general flow of conversation; they work as the mottoes, as it were, of some of the sessions. The topics range from "interior" to "Rambo, drawn lefthand".  The next step: working with the resulting material. To find a trace in the drawings, to copy, to make collages, to find new meanings, to reinterpret, to put them into contexts. It's the phase of sampling.  It's also the time of the great heat waves. Production is shifted more and more into the night.  Once a day, there is a hot, home-cooked meal served, sometimes an opulent meal, cooked by Dimitra Charamanda as chef, assisted by Kai Pfeiffer, Fred Guille, Max Höfler and Bernhard Raschl.  As a new element five large panels are added (on the left, alongside the windows). Panels in order to see storylines of all kinds side by side, or to make connections between the sequences, or ...    On day 10 our own party:  
Photos: Michael Jordan, Helmut Kaplan, Berhard Raschl, Edda Strobl Tranlation: Karin Buol
....to be continued...there will be the book!!...soon...