Article: Edda, 16th of March 2007 SCHLEIFEN-BAND-ZEICHNEN = RIBBON-BAND-DRAWING means drawing like in a band - work together on a piece/song.

1 Arrangement (See drawing, hope you can identify what it should be... ) a table for 4 persons, sitting in a row, drawing simultaneousely on one looped ribbon of paper, about 8 meters long and max. 30 cm high. In a certain period of time (this is what we have to try out), maybe 5 minutes, maybe more, the ribbon will move on a little bit (this - how much we should move it - we have to try out as well). As a effect of the arrangement it will happen that we draw in the drawings of the persons sitting lefthand (except the person sitting far left...). There are quite a few possibilities, how to react on this: we could interact with the drawing, neglect it and even erase it.... maybe we should make up some rules... In the end the whole ribbon should be full.
2 The topic of the festival is GOLD. Which implicates all kinds of: conditions of production, earning/having money, gold as symbol in general, as status symbol, as prameter for valuta woldwide...etc. This led me to following thoughts:
ad 2 While we are drawing we should try focus on the significations of gold in one or the other way. Even when we start to experimentate on Thursday 19th of April, or later, depends when you all arrive... The plan is, to do a full ribbon on the topic before we do the live performance, so that we have a thing that we could show during the festival. ad 1 Live performance on Sat 21st of April. We could make a scenario like installing a signal light on the table, so that we have to move on the ribbon when the it lights up. Or some signal sound. or both... So the whole thing will be more like an assembly line... What do you think about something like that? ...Maybe it is too much of "pointing out"???
Comments by Jakob Klemencic, 19th of March
-I love the idea! It's pre-destined to be fun! -The "step" at which the tape would move should be not more that 60cm, about the breadth of each draughtsman's workplace. Now, regular steps all the time would mean a less organically connected flow (breaks between steps would be too obvious), but this could be remedied by inserting a smaller step (20 cm, for instance) ever so often and then resuming the old 60 cm rhythm. -Tools: are we going to aim at an unified appearance using same (or similar) tools? -A light and sound signal is a good idea. Then, after a couple of seconds, the tape moves. -As for determining the right time periods, we'll probably have to experiment with this to find the optimal solution.